German Studies Unit
Established in 2008 as a part of the European Institute’s various research units and in collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Studies Unit compliments the existing collaboration with the European University of Viadrina in Frankfurt-Oder, Germany. The GSU is built around the idea of fostering Turkish-German relations within the context of the EU by promoting cultural interactions as well as exchange of knowledge and ideas. The key objective is to address recent social, political and cultural debates in German society and bring together researchers, students, policy-makers, stakeholders and the general public to discuss current trends and challenges in both countries and in Turkish-German relations.
In addition to continuing the well-established initiative Germany Brief, that gives an update about recent debates in German society, the GSU expands its activities and offers a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience also beyond academia. The GSUs activities include:
- Articles and op-ed articles in English, Turkish and German
- Outreach activities in form of conferences, workshops and events
- German Studies Seminar Series
- Yearly German Studies Colloquium for graduate students
- Yearly Study Visits for a group of students to Germany
- Information events on study and research scholarships in Germany
DAAD Lecturer
Dr. Deniz Güneş Yardımcı
Tel: 0212 311 78 31
Room: E5 309, santralistanbul
Short Bio
As of September 2019, Deniz Güneş Yardımcı is the new DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) lecturer at the European Institute. She is a sociologist, media- and film scholar specialized in Turkish-German relations with a focus on Turkish-German migration history, cultural identity, and the cinematic representation of migration and diasporas. Yardımcı has a PhD in Media Arts/Film Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London. She further holds a BA and MA in Sociology and a BA and MA (with distinction) in Media and Communication Studies/Film Studies from the Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz, Germany. Currently she is working on her book about ‘Culture and Identity in Turkish-German Cinema’.
Deniz Güneş Yardımcı ist die neue DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Fachlektorin am Europäischen Institut. Sie ist Soziologin, Medien- und Filmwissenschaftlerin spezialisiert im Bereich deutsch-türkische Beziehungen mit einem Fokus auf die türkisch-deutsche Migrationsgeschichte, kulturelle Identität und der filmischen Darstellung von Migration und Diasporas. Yardımcı hat einen Doktor in Medienwissenschaften/Filmwissenschaften von der Royal Holloway, University of London. Ferner hat sie einen Diplom in Soziologie und einen Magister (mit Auszeichnung) in Publizistik und Filmwissenschaften von der Johannes Gutenberg-Universiät Mainz. Zur Zeit arbeitet sie an ihrem Buch über “Kultur und Identität im türkisch-deutschen Film".
Deniz Güneş Yardımcı, Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsünde DAAD (Alman Akademik Değişim Servisi) araştırmacı ve öğretim görevlisi olarak çalışmaktadır. Sosyolog, medya ve sinema bilimcisi Yardımcı’nın araştırma alanlarının arasında Türk-Alman ilişkileri, Türk-Alman göç tarihi, kültürel kimlik ve sinemada göç ve diaspora çalışmaları yer alıyor. Yardımcı, Royal Holloway, University of London’da Medya ve Sinema alanında doktora yapmıştır. Ayrıca, Almanya’nın Johannes Gutenberg-Universitesi’nde Sosyoloji ve İletişim/Sinema alanlarında iki Lisans ve iki Yüksek Lisans dereceleri ile mezun olmuştur. Yardımcı ‘Türk-Alman Sineması’nda Kültür ve Kimlik Olgusu’ ile ilgili kitap çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.