Yeni Açık Erişimli Kitap: "Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Between Reception and Integration"
20 Mayıs 2023 - Gençlik Araştırmaları Konferansı - Bildiri Özeti Kitabı ve Konferans Programı yayınlandı!
New Open Access Book: "Nativist and Islamist Radicalism: Anger and Anxiety"edited by Ayhan Kaya, Ayşenur Benevento, and Metin Koca
Book Chapter! "Alternative für Deutschland’s Appeal to Native Youth in Dresden Heritage Populism" by Ayhan Kaya
CIFE Mezuniyet Töreni - İstanbul - 28.06.2023
Yeni açık erişim makale: "Nurturing Curiosity Beyond Identity Labels to Find the Radical: Notes on What Encouraged Radical Youth to Participate in Transnational Qualitative Research", Dr. Ayşenur Benevento
Konferans: "Türkiye'den Avrupa'ya Gençlik Çalışmaları: İşsizlik, Göç, Dijitalleşme ve Aktivizm" 20 Mayıs 2023
Workshop: The Power of Narratives and Visual Culture in Transnational Cooperation: Exploring Turkish-German Relations in Political Life and Everyday Culture
Yeni açık erişim makale: "Networked social movements and radicalisation: yellow vests’ cross-ideological horizon for underrepresented groups", Dr. Metin Koca
Kitap Bölümü: "Religiosities in a Globalised Market: Migrant-Origin Muslim Europeans' Self-Positioning Beyond the Sending and Receiving States' Politics of Religion", Dr. Metin Koca