8 Ekim 2019 - Jean Monnet Burs Tanıtım Toplantısı
Working Paper 11: The Revival Of Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism: An Anthropological And Psychological Perspective by Jais Adam-Troian and Ayhan Kaya 2019
Seminer Serisi: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Güz Seminerleri 24 Ekim, 28 Kasım, 19 Aralık2019
Conference: Learning from the "Other": Discussions on the Experiences of Receiving Countries, İstanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research, 8 November 2019
The 12th Newsletter of the European Institute has been published!
ERC Project Workshop: "Interdisciplinary Workshop on Youth Radicalization", 13 November 2019
[Davet] "Migration with Musical Documentary Films: Deep Encounters and Third Space” 27 Kasım 2019, 18:00 santralistanbul Kampüs
Seminar Series: Part 2 - Presentation: Populism and Heritage in Europe by Prof. Ayhan Kaya, 28 November 2019
Invited Talks and Dissemination Activities
Research Training Workshop on 8-9 January 2020