Announcements / Events

Vacancy Notice for a half-time Post-Doc Researcher
ERC Success Story
Conference Series: "New Europe" -  21 March, 18 April, 21 May 2019
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 7-9 March 2019, Paris.
Follow our ERC Project on social media
ERC Brochure
"New Europe Conference Series: Political Psychology of Yellow Vest in France", 21 March 2019
Ayhan KAYA ERC Interview - TUBİTAK - 2019
2019 ERC Publications
ERC Project Blog Page
Working Paper 11: The Revival Of Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism: An Anthropological And Psychological Perspective by Jais Adam-Troian and Ayhan Kaya 2019
Seminer Serisi: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Güz Seminerleri 2019
ERC Project Workshop: "Interdisciplinary Workshop on Youth Radicalization", 13 November 2019
Seminar Series: Part 2 - Presentation: Populism and Heritage in Europe by Prof. Ayhan Kaya, 28 November 2019
Invited Talks and Dissemination Activities
Research Training Workshop on 8-9 January 2020
Working Paper 12: State of the Art on Radicalisation: Islamist and Nativist Radicalisation in Europe by Ayhan Kaya (2020)
ERC PRIME Youth Projesi  Çevrimiçi Çalıştayları 8 EKİM 2020 -19 EKİM 2020
Guest Lecture: Co-radicalisation of Youth in Europe: Islamophobism vs. Islamism
Utrecht University Webinar on the Case of Turkish "Returnees"
Guest Lecture: “Co-radicalisation of Youth in Europe”  Prof. Ayhan Kaya
ERC PRIME Youth Project's Publication Page
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya Avusturya'daki Terör Saldırısını Medyascope'ta yorumladı
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya'nın Evrensel Gazetesi ile Söyleşisi
New Publication: "Youth Extremism as a Response to Global Threats? A Threat-Regulation Perspective on Violent Extremism Among the Youth" by Jais Adam-Troian, Ayse Tecmen, Ayhan Kaya
New Publication: "The Necessity to Recognize Processes of Radicalization from a Socio-cultural Perspective" by Dr. Ayşenur Benevento
Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsü & Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Radikalleşme Mükemmeliyet Alanı Webinar Serisi Programı
WORKSHOP ON RADICALIZATION AND YOUTH CULTURES, 26 November 2021, Brussels, 12:00-16:30 CET
Atölye Çalışması: Türkiye'de Radikalleşme Süreçleri: Nedenler, Sonuçlar, Anlatılar
WORKSHOP ON RADICALIZATION AND YOUTH CULTURES, 23 November 2021, Amsterdam, 10:00-16:00 CET
Workshop on Islamist and Right-wing Radicalizations on 23 November 2021
New Open Access Article in CIFE Studies: The EU in World Politics V1 "How to Prevent the European Public from Conflating Islam and Muslims with Terrorism; and How to Prevent the Muslim-Origin People from Constructing Parallel Communities" by Ayhan Kaya
21 Eylül 2022 Bilim Akademisi Konferansı - Berlin'den Türkiye'ye Rap ve Çağdaş Ozanlar - Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya
Professor Mehdi Lahlou and Professor Mounir Zouiten visited the PRIME Youth Team
Seminar Invitation: “Edirne, Türkiye, the EU: Political narratives on the governance of migrants' (im)mobility at the Greek-Turkish border” - Chiara Maritato (University of Turin), November 16, 2022, 13:00, AKO (E1-202)
Working Paper 14: Beyond the Continuum: Contrasting Images from Violent and Non-Violent Radicalization
Prof. Ayhan Kaya presented the main findings of the PRIME Youth Project at the London School of Economics (LSE) European Studies
New Open Access Book: "Nativist and Islamist Radicalism: Anger and Anxiety"edited by Ayhan Kaya, Ayşenur Benevento, and Metin Koca
Book Chapter! "Alternative für Deutschland’s Appeal to Native Youth in Dresden Heritage Populism" by Ayhan Kaya
New open access article: "Nurturing Curiosity Beyond Identity Labels to Find the Radical: Notes on What Encourages Radical Youth to Engage in Transnational Qualitative Research", Dr. Ayşenur Benevento
New Open Access Article by Dr. Metin Koca: "Networked social movements and radicalisation: yellow vests’ cross-ideological horizon for underrepresented groups"
Book Chapter by Dr. Metin Koca: "Religiosities in a Globalised Market: Migrant-Origin Muslim Europeans' Self-Positioning Beyond the Sending and Receiving States' Politics of Religion"
ZIP Institute Visits PRIME Youth Project Team of BİLGİ European Institute
13 June 2023 - PRIME Youth Project: Conclusive Final Conference
Working Paper No.15: "How to Study Processes of Radicalization from a Socio-cultural Perspective?" by Ayşenur Benevento (2023)
IKG Forum – Series on Nativist and Islamist Radicalism Anger and Anxiety by Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya





Prof. Ayhan Kaya has been awarded an "Advanced Grant" by the European Research Council (ERC)

Prof. Ayhan Kaya, faculty member of our university’s International Relations Department and Director of the European Union Institute has been awarded an “Advanced Grant” by the European Research Council (ERC), one of the most prestigious research institutions of Europe, for his project entitled “Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe”.

For the purpose of more fairly evaluating research work at different levels, ERC offers three types of grants: A “Starting Grant” for young researchers, a “Consolidator Grant” for experienced researchers, and an “Advanced Grant” for scientists who perform high-level research at a global level. Prof. Ayhan Kaya’s project is the first social sciences project at a Turkish university to receive an “Advanced Grant” from ERC.

Prof. Kaya’s Research Summary:

The main research question of the study is: How and why do some European citizens generate a populist and Islamophobist discourse to express their discontent with the current social, economic and political state of their national and European contexts, while some members of migrant-origin communities with Muslim background generate an essentialist and radical form of Islamist discourse within the same societies? The main premise of this study is that various segments of the European public (radicalizing young members of both native populations and migrant-origin populations with Muslim background), who have been alienated and swept away by the flows of globalization such as deindustrialization, mobility, migration, tourism, social-economic inequalities, international trade, and robotic production, are more inclined to respectively adopt two mainstream political discourses: Islamophobism (for native populations) and Islamism (for Muslim-migrant-origin populations). Both discourses have become pivotal along with the rise of the civilizational rhetoric since the early 1990s. On the one hand, the neo-liberal age seems to be leading to the nativisation of radicalism among some groups of host populations while, on the other hand, it is leading to the islamization of radicalism among some segments of deprived migrant-origin populations. The common denominator of these groups is that they are both downwardly mobile and inclined towards radicalization. Hence, this project aims to scrutinize social, economic, political and psychological sources of the processes of radicalization among native European youth and Muslim-origin youth with migration background, who are both inclined to express their discontent through ethnicity, culture, religion, heritage, homogeneity, authenticity, past, gender and patriarchy. The field research will comprise four migrant receiving countries: Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and two migrant sending countries: Turkey and Morocco.


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement no. 785934.