Dear friends of BİLGİ European Institute,

We would like to share with you our latest working paper.

This paper, 'Emotions and Narratives: A Brief Literature Discussion' by Mustafa Gökcan Kösen, researcher in the DAAD-TÜBİTAK co-funded project 'Distant Neighbours: Exploring Political Narratives and Visual Culture in Turkish-German Relations' from Istanbul Bilgi University, examines the role of emotions and narratives in the field of international relations. After clarifying the differences between emotion and affect and offering precise definitions to distinguish the two concepts, the author provides a brief overview of the role of emotions in international relations before discussing the interplay between narratives and emotions, highlighting how they are interrelated and influence each other. This is the third working paper in the series of the ongoing project supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the grant number 221N423 and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the grant number 57628225. The series hosts working papers related to the research project.

For more detailed information, please visit the project website.



Director, European Institute

İstanbul Bilgi University