Dear friends of BİLGİ European Institute,


In this working paper, the principal investigators of the DAAD-TÜBİTAK co-funded project “Distant Neighbors: Exploring Political Narratives and Visual Culture in Turkish-German Relations” Frank Gadinger from the University of Münster and Deniz Güneş Yardımcı from Istanbul Bilgi University, give an introduction into the theoretical and methodological framework and objectives of the project. In their paper entitled “Exploring Cooperative Practices in the Everyday: The Power of Narratives, Visual Culture and Transnational Identity in Turkish-German Relations” the authors note that narratives and visual culture play a significant role in building group identities, (de-)legitimizing narrow political realities and regaining voice in political discourses. They argue that political and in particular cultural actors around Turkish-German relationship develop transnational cooperations and culturally hybrid communities and work with narratives and visual culture that stabilize (fragile) relations across borders. This is the first working paper in the series on the ongoing project supported by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under the Grant Number 221N423 and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the Grand Number 57628225. The series hosts working papers associated with the research project.




Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics of Interculturalism

Director, European Institute

İstanbul Bilgi University


Please click here to visit the project website