Working Paper 12

State of the Art On Radicalisation: Islamist and Nativist Radicalisation in Europe


Ayhan Kaya


Radicalism, extremism, terrorism, fundamentalism and violence have recently been interchangeably used by many in academia, media and politics. These terms used to be perceived and defined very differently prior to the 1990s when tremendous political, societal and demographic changes took place all around the world. Focusing on the radicalisation processes of both nativist and Islamist youngsters in Europe, this Working Paper scrutinises the differences between these terms by revisiting the ways they were used in the past. In doing so, the paper tries to reveal the neo-liberal logic of modern state actors in reducing radicalisation to terrorism and extremism. This paper derives from the ongoing EU-funded research for the “PRIME Youth” project conducted under the supervision of the Principal Investigator, Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, and funded by the European Research Council with the Agreement Number 785934.



Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics of Interculturalism

Director, European Institute

İstanbul Bilgi University



Click here to visit the PRIME Youth Project website.