AB Enstitüsü'nün yeni yayınları: INTERACT Projesinin çıktısı olarak İngilizce ve Türkçe basılmış iki kitap ve working paper serimizin ikinci sayısı

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE EUROPEAN UNION A Comparative Analysis of Karabük,Valenciennes and Katowice

Edited by François Bafoil - Ayhan Kaya

ayrıntılı bilgi için


ISBN 978-605-399-126-7

This book is the outcome of an interdisciplinary and comparative research project aiming at the analysis of different forms of regional development within the context of the EU in three selected regions of a founding member state (France), a recent member state (Poland) and a negotiating candidate country (Turkey). The research was funded by the European Union within the framework of a large scale project run by Istanbul Bilgi University, Sciences Po-Paris, and the Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA). This work intends to highlight the capacities of some European states to manage economic, social and political complexity embedded in the industrial and regional areas facing difficulties and crisis. The complexity here refers to some cities, which are typically called “company towns” forced to reshape not only their industrial profile, but also social and economic characteristics of the urban space. Drawing lessons from Valenciennes and Katowice, which have been successful in complying with the requirements of new global economy and multilevel governance within the European Union, this research book tends to propose some suggestions for Karabük.