Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü ve Avrupa Birliği Enstitüsü bünyesindeki “Avrupa ve Göç” dersi, Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu tarafından verilen “Jean Monet Modülü” olmaya hak kazanmıştır.

2009 Bahar döneminde açılacak olan bu ders Doç. Dr. Ayhan Kaya tarafından verilecektir.


Europe and Migration

Aims of the Course:
This course aims to extend the understanding of the key notions of migration, globalisation, diasporas, colonisation, integration and assimilation in contemporary Europe. Europe and Migration as a module also aims at equipping the students with the tools to compare different forms of migration since the antiquity as well as alternative forms of regimes of migrations implemented by different states such as Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey and Britain. The course will also frame the migration related discussions within the European Commission as well as in the individual member states.
Course Requirements
• ‘Interactive learning’ is the key method;
• Required texts should be read by every student before class;
• Midterm examination questions will be based on issues discussed during class (30 %);
• Students will be asked to write two working papers (20 %). Submission dates are definite, and any change cannot be suggested):
1. Working Paper 1: Display your family tree interviewing your extended family members;
2. Working Paper 2: Make an interview with a migrant in your neighbourhood, or in your extended family; the paper should include questions and answers.
• Students will be asked to write a Research Paper in the end of the term regarding any relevant topic indicated in the Syllabus (40 %). Those successful papers will be presented in the webpage of the European Institute;
• Attendance is compulsory and will be rewarded (10 %).

Course Work (60 %) (20 % Working papers + 30 % Midterm + 10 % Attendance)
Final work (40 %) (Final Exam)

Required Readings

Huysmans, Jef (2006) The Politics of Insecurity Security, Migration & Asylum in the EU , London: Routledge.

Geddes, Andrew (2003) The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, London: SAGE.

Thomas Faist (2000). The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces (Oxford University Press)


MODULE 1. Theoretical Debates

Week 1. Global and European Migration

• HELD, D. et al. (2000). “Introduction,” in D. Held et al. (eds.) Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture (Oxford: Polity)
• YOUNG, R. (2001). Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell: 1-69

Week 2. Theoretical and Methodological Issues of Migration

• FAIST, T. (2000). The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces, Oxford University Press: Chapter 1 and 2: 1-59
• AMASON, Johann P. (2006) ‘Civilizational analysis, social theory and comparative history’, in Gerard Delanty (ed.). Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory. London: Routledge: 230-241.

Week 3. Securitization of Migration in Europe: Power of Fear

• DOTY, R. L. (2000). “Immigration and the Politics of Security,” Security Studies, 8, No. 2-3: 71-93.
• HUYSMANS, J. (19989). “The Question of the Limit: Desecuritization and the Aesthetics of Horror in Political Realism,” Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol 27, No. 3: 569-589.

MODULE II: Comparative Perspectives on Migration

Week 4. History of Migration and Integration in Germany, France and UK in Comparison

• BRUBAKER, Rogers (1992). Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
• BLEICH, Erik (2005). “The legacies of history? Colonization and immigrant integration in Britain and France,” Theory and Society, Vol. 34: 171-195.
• GERDES, Jürgen, Thomas Faist and Beate Rieple (2007). “We are all ‘Republican’ Now: The Politics of Dual Citizenship in Germany”, in Thomas Faist (ed.). Dual Citizenship in Europe: From Nationhood to Societal Integration. Aldershot: Ashgate: 45-76.

Week 5. History of Migration and Integration in Belgium and the Netherlands in Comparison

• MADDENS, Bart, Jack Billiet and Roeland Beerten (2000). “National Identity and the Attitude towards Foreigners in Multi-National states: The Case of Belgium”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1: 45-60.
• BOUSETTA, Hassan, Sonia Gsir and Dirk Jacobs (2005). “Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in Belgium”, Country Report prepared for the European research project POLITIS, Oldenburg: www.uni-oldenburg.de/politis-europe.
• CARLE, Robert (2006). “Demise of Dutch Multiculturalism”, Society (March/April): 68-74.

Week 6. Turkey as a Country of Emigration and Immigration: EU Citizens in Turkey as a Case Study
*Guest Lecturer. Bainca Kaiser, Istanbul Kultur University, Jean Monnet Professor

• KAISER, Bianca (2003), “Life Worlds of EU Migrants in Turkey”, in E. Zeybekoğlu and B. Johansson (eds.), Migration and Labour in Europe (Istanbul: MURCIR and NIWL): 269-290.
• İÇDUYGU, Ahmet (2004), Transit Migration in Turkey: Trend, Patterns, and Issues", CARIM Report.

Week 7. Internally Displaced People: The Case of Turkey
* Guest Lecturer: Assoc. Professor İ. Emre Işık, Mimar Sinan University, Sociology Department
• MAR, Migration Association Report (2005), Göç ve Zorunlu Göç Olgusu, Istanbul: Göç-Derneği Yayınları
• WEISS, Thomas G. And David A. Korn (2006). Internal Displacement: Conceptualization and its consequences. London: Routledge.

MODULE III: The Others of Europe?

Week 8. Migration from Neighbouring Countries: Maghrebians, Turks and Asians

• KAYA, A. and F. KENTEL (2005), Euro-Turks: A Bridge or a Breach between Turkey and the EU, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Belgium (2005).
• JELEN, B. (2007). Immigrant In/Visibility: Portuguese and North Africans in Post-Colonial France”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of History, University of California, Irvine (Introduction).
• MERCER, K. (2003). “Diaspora Cultuyre and Dialogic Imagination: The Aesthetics of Black Independent Film in Britain” in J. E. Braziel and A. Mannuer (eds.), Theorizing Diaspora, Oxford: Blackwell: 247-260

Week 9. Islam in Europe: Management of Ethno-Cultural Diversity in Europe

• ASAD, Talal “Muslims and European Identity: Can Europe Represent Islam?” in The idea of Europe: From Antiquity to the European Union (Anthony Pagden, ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 209-227 pp.
• CESARI, Jocelyne (2005). “Islam, Secularism and Multiculturalism After 9/11: A Transatlantic Comparison”, in J. Cesari and S. MacLoughlin (eds.), European Muslims and the Secular State. Aldershot: Ashgate: 39-51.

Week 10. Technologies of Citizenship and Illegal Migration
* Guest Lecturer: Professor Dr. Ahmet İçduygu, Koc University, Director, MIREKOC
• INDA, J. X. (2006). Targetting Immigrants: Government, Technology and Ethics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

MODULE IV: Fortress Europe: The Challenge of the European Union

Week 11. Evolution of EU Migration Policy: From Trevi to Amsterdam

• HUYSMANS, Jey (2000), “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration“, Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5), 751–777 pp.
• GEDDES, Andrew (2005), “Europe's Border Relationships and International Migration Relations”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 43 (4), 787–806.
• BOSWELL, Christina (2007), ”Migration Control in Europe After 9/11: Explaining the Absence of Securitization”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 45 (3), 589–610.

Week 12. Multiculturalism vs. Interculturalism: Intercultural Dialogue in Europe

• KYMLICKA, Will (2003), “Multicultural States and Intercultural Citizens”, Theory and Research in Education, Volume 1, No. 2.
• STRATH, Bo (2002) “A European Identity: To the historical limits of a concept”, European Journal of Social Theory, 5.

Week 13. Unity in Diversity, or Unity over Diversity? (Study Visit: Phanar Patriarch and the Alevi Communion in Sahkulu, Istanbul)

• KAYA, A. (2004). “Unity in Diversity: Ethnic/Cultural Diversity in Turkey and the European Union” CEMOTI 36 Turquie : désir d’Europe ? (Juillet-décembre Sommaire).