European Institute and PhD Students and Post Docs join forces in view of a special issue of Taylor & Francis “Special Issue: Turkish Studies from an Interdisciplinary Perspective-Research and Policy on Turkey”



Ayhan Kaya and a group of Post Doc and PhD researchers affiliated with Bilgi’s European Institute have met on 6 th March 2015 in a Workshop organised at Bilgi to discuss and coordinate their contributions to this special issue on Turkey which will focus on the right to the public space.The contributions are planned for publication in the new Francis &Taylor Journal (resaerch and Policy on Turkey) whose Editor in Chief will be Dr. Saniye Dedeoğlu from Muğla University.

The contributors will be Ayhan Kaya, Zümray Kutlu, Cristiano Bee, Pelin Aksoy Oğuz, Burcu Çulhaoğlu, Erkan Saka, Ayşe Tecmen, Melanie Weissenberg, Servan Adar Avşar and Efe Baysal.

The theme of this special issue will focus on "the right to..........", which is to concentrate on the critique of the traditional Turkish state apparatus having the monopoly of shaping the limits of the public space, deciding on behalf of the citizens about what language to speak, what to wear, what to name as the places of warship, what to construct in the urban space, what do censor in the cyber space, and how to introduce into citizens' privacy. These domains can be extended.

The forecast submission of the papers deadline is 15th September 2015 after which the review procedure will start.