This list of publications only includes the relevant works of the Istanbul Bilgi University's ERC research team.


2019 Publications


Kaya, Ayhan (2019). “The Inclusion-Moderation Thesis: Turkey's AKP, From Conservative Democracy to Conservatism,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.661        

Kaya, Ayhan, Max-Valentin Robert and Ayşe Tecmen (2019). “Populism in Turkey and France: Nativism, Multiculturalism and Euroscepticism,” Turkish Studies, DOI:

Kaya, Ayhan and Ayşe Tecmen (2019). “Europe versus Islam?: Right-wing Populist Discourse and the Construction of a Civilizational Identity,” The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 17:1, 49-64 DOI:10.1080/15570274.2019.1570759 

Kaya, Ayhan (2019). “Populism as a neo-liberal form of governmentality: resorting to heritage, culture and past,” Lia Galani, Evangelia Mavrigaki and Kostas Skordulis (eds.), Geographical Literacy and European Heritage: A Challenging Convention in the field of Education. Limassol: Solva-tech: 64-94 available at

Kaya, Ayhan (2019). “Küresel Finansal Kriz, Mülteci Krizi ve İslamofobizm Bağlamında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri” (Turkey-EU Relations under the Global Financial Crisis, Refugee Crisis and Islamophobism)  in Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe, Begin Akçay ve Çağrı Erhan (eds.). ATAUM 30. Yıl Armağanı (ATAUM 30th Anniversary)Ankara.

Tecmen, Ayşe (2019) “The Role of Geography in Turkey’s Nation Brand: Deconstructing Inbetweenness and Hybridity in Brand Turkey,” Lia Galani, Evangelia Mavrigaki and Kostas Skordulis (eds.), Geographical Literacy and European Heritage: A Challenging Convention in the field of Education. Limassol: Solva-tech: 225-248 available at