“Armed Forces and Society in Turkey: Survey Results”
Istanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute will host an open panel discussion on “Armed Forces and Society in Turkey: Survey Results” on 25th November 2011, Friday at 10.00a.m. The event will take place at Istanbul Bilgi University’s Dolapdere Campus, Room BS2- Kurtulus Deresi Caddesi No:47, 34440 Dolapdere Istanbul.
The Panel will focus on the presentation and discussion of the results of the public opinion survey held on a representative sample of ± 3000 persons in Turkey conducted by Assistant Professor Yaprak Gürsoy - Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations, and Assistant Professor Zeki Sarigil - Bilkent University, Department of Political Science -, with the collaboration of KONDA.
The event and the survey are organized within the scope of the “Armed Forces and Society in Turkey: An Empirical Approach” project sponsored by TÜBITAK’s Support Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects (1001).
10:00-10:20 Welcome Coffee
10:20-10:35 Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. Ege Yazgan
Istanbul Bilgi University, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
10:35-11:20 Armed Forces and Society in Turkey: Survey Results
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yaprak Gürsoy
Istanbul Bilgi University, European Institute & Dept. of International Relations
Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeki Sarigil
Bilkent University, Dept. of Political Science
11:20-12:00 Evaluation of the Survey Results
Soli Özel
Kadir Has University, Dept. of International Relations
Prof. Dr. Ersin Kalaycioglu
Sabanci University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
12:00-12:30 General Discussion
Panel Chair:
Prof. Dr. Sabri Sayari
Sabanci University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
NB: The Panel will be held in Turkish