The first set of Policy Briefs of the FP7 Project entitled “ACCEPT PLURALISM”

The project addresses the need to explore and understand tolerance of ethnic, racial and religious diversity in European societies and seeks to identify key messages for policy makers.

In particular the project analyses:

• What kinds of tolerance exist in practice in 15 EU Member States and one accession country.
• What tolerance means. What is the relationship between concepts such as multiculturalism, liberalism, pluralism, and national heritage?
• What kind of conflicts arise in European societies with regard to ethnic and religious diversity. What views and practices are?and are not?tolerated, accepted and respected.
• What kind of institutional arrangements have been put forth by different actors when there is a conflict. How successful they have been.
• What kind of policies and practices need to be developed for European societies to become more respectful of cultural diversity.

Based on this analysis the project will produce key messages for European and national policy makers, civil society, and minority groups. Below you can find the first policy briefs. You could also visit the web page.

Ayhan Kaya / Istanbul Bilgi University - Challenges of Diversity in Turkish Education .

Nina Mühe, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) - Acceptance of religious diversity in German public schools .

Riva Kastoryano & Angéline Escafré-Dublet, CERI-Sciences Po - Tolerance in Discourses and Practices in French Public Schools .

Iseult Honohan and Nathalie Rougier – University College Dublin - Challenges of immigrant religious diversity in Irish schools .

Marko Hajdinjak and Maya Kosseva – IMIR - Religious diversity in Bulgarian schools: Between Intolerance and Acceptance .

Marko Hajdinjak and Maya Kosseva – IMIR - Roma in Bulgarian Schools: Desegregation supported, segregation maintained .

Inge Versteegt and Marcel Maussen - University of Amsterdam - The Netherlands: Challenging Diversity in Education and School life .

Anna Triandafyllidou - European University Institute - Diversity in Greek schools: What is at stake?