Sustainable Public Policies and Business Practices for Black Sea Countries

6 – 13 September 2009, Istanbul-TURKIYE

25 October – 1 November 2009, Venice-ITALIA

For more information

The programme has been developed by the Regional Environmental Center (REC) together with Venice International University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Agroinnova and the financial support of Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea based on the needs of the private sector and governments in the Black Sea countries. The wide range of seminars will provide participants deeper knowledge on current sustainable development issues and its practical context both on a global and regional basis. The seminar series is intended to bring together different stakeholders in upper management and to enable a platform of sharing and partnerships towards attaining the goal of sustainable development. The relationship of the three pillars of sustainable development will be assessed and participants will find the opportunity to have a deeper insight on selected issues like climate change and sustainable water management in 2009.

The rapid increase in economic activity and the growth rate of Black Sea countries have brought many opportunities and many challenges to the region. The Black Sea is very vulnerable to pressure from land-based activity and its sustainability is dependent on the well-being and good governance of coastal and non-coastal states of its basin.

The course is intended to bring together different stakeholders in upper management from 6 Black Sea coastal countries and to create a platform of sharing and partnership, working towards the goal of sustainable development. As the main theme of the seminar series is that of partnerships, a wide variety of applicants are sought from ministries and agencies, local authorities, small and medium sized enterprises and multinational corporations.

By attending the seminars, participants will:

Deepen their knowledge on vital issues of sustainable development and its practical contexts;
Be trained by a group of top lecturers from governments, international organizations, industry and universities;
Gain an understanding of the best and worst practices in Black Sea Coastal Countries and the EU;
Gain both pratical and technical knowledge on sustainable development and environmental assests;
Acknowledge on how the global, national and local sustainable developmental attempt are related with;
Gain knowledge about EU environmental law and decision making process;
Implement sustainable development concept on their institution workflow;
Learn about the sustainable development institutions and mechanisms on EU and international level;
Give the same importance at the economical, social and environmental developments same for recent and future generation;
Form a communication platform between business sector and governments with other shareholders.

For further information;

You are cordially invited to the High Level Panel on the
Role of International Development Organizations and Financing Institutions in Sustainable Development for the Black Sea Region.
Venue: Bilgi University, SantralIstanbul Campus, Building E4 Anphi No:305
Date: September 11, 2009 Friday
Time: 15:15