Legal, economic, socio-political and cultural barriers to agricultural production in Turkey, what needs to be done and experiences from the field were discussed at a roundtable meeting organized by Istanbul Bilgi University and Support to Life Association.
Istanbul Bilgi University European Union Institute and Support to Life Association, the partner organizations of the MATILDE project, funded within the scope of the EU HORIZON 2020 program, held a comprehensive roundtable meeting that discussed agricultural development from different perspectives.
At the meeting titled "The Relationship between Sustainable Development and Migration in Rural Areas" held at Istanbul Bilgi University Santral Campus on May 12, the legal, economic and socio-political-cultural dimensions of agricultural production were covered in 3 different sessions and policy recommendations were discussed.
In addition to academics from various disciplines, the roundtable meeting was attended by representatives of local governments and non-governmental organizations working on rural development and migration in the field, such as Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Social Services Department Migration and Integration Unit, UNHCR, Genç Hayat Foundation, Yerküre Cooperative, TABİT Smart Agricultural Technologies, Development Workshop.