“Turkey’s EU Accession – Contribution and Role of Euro - Turks and of EU Citizens in Turkey to the Accession Process”

14-15th February 2008 Antalya

İstanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute organized a conference series on the EU with the support of Turkey’s EU Communication Group Initiative (ABİG)-Ankara. The first conference of this series was held in collaboration with BİLGİ’s European Institute and Akdeniz University’s EU Centre on “Turkey’s EU Accession –Contribution and role of Euro Turks and of EU Citizens in Turkey to the Accession Process” which aims to discuss the role, the possible contributions of both communities to Turkey’s EU accession. The Conference took place in Antalya, Turkey on 14-15th February 2008.

the Conference Programme

İstanbul Bilgi University’s European Institute and
Akdeniz University’s EU Centre

International Conference

14-15th February 2008


“Turkey’s EU Accession – Contribution and Role of Euro - Turks and of
EU Citizens in Turkey to the Accession Process”

14th February 2008

12.30-13.30 (The Marmara Hotel –Antalya)

Meeting Lunch for the Participants

14.00-16.15 (The Marmara Hotel-Antalya)

Panel I: “Turkey’s EU Accession Process: What Needs to be Done, a Critical Assessment”

Moderator: Volkan Vural, Ret. Ambassador, Adviser Doğan Group

• Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Antalya MP, Justice and Development Party (AK PARTİ)
• Oğuz Demiralp, EU Secretary General, EU Secretariat General (ABGS), Ankara
• Ahmet Sever, Spokesman and Adviser to the President of the Turkish Republic
• Prof. Dr. Burhan Şenatalar, Bilgi University, Economy Department
• Dr. Rainer Hülsse, Ludwig Maximilians University Münich, Chair of International Relations at G.School Institute of Political Science
• Bekir Ağırdır, Director General KONDA Public Opinion Analysis, Istanbul
• Prof. Dr. Faruk Durbin, Chairman, Initiative of European Turks in Berlin (B.A.T.I.)
• Dr. Harry Tzimitras, Bilgi University, International Relations Department
• Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, Director, European Institute, Bilgi University

16.15-16.30 (The Marmara-Antalya): Coffee Break

16.30-19.00 (The Marmara Hotel-Antalya)

Panel II: “EU Citizens in Turkey”

European Citizens in Turkey: profile, demographic and cultural analysis, role of media, NGO’s and Citizens’ groups and the regulatory environment in Turkey, effects of the EU Process in daily life.


European Citizens in Turkey, profile, demographic and cultural analysis, role of media, NGO’s and Citizens groups.

Moderator: Dr Erol Esen, Director, AKVAM, Akdeniz University, Antalya

• Dr. Peter Kolb, German Consul General, Izmir
• Prof. Dr. Jean Marcou, Senior Researcher İFEA, Universite de Grenoble
• Dr. Bianca Kaiser, Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul Kültür University
• Günter Seufert, Berliner Zeitung, Istanbul Representative, Writer
• Reverend Rainer Korten, Antalya
• Julia Alaettinoğlu, Foreign Citizens Council, Spokesperson, Alanya
• Tuğba Aydın, AKVAM, Akdeniz University, Antalya

17.30-18.00: Coffee Break


The regulatory environment in Turkey, the effects of the EU Process in everyday life.

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Esra Çayhan, Head of International Relations Department, Akdeniz University

• Dr. Kemal Ramoğlu, Ministry of Labour, Ankara
• Abdullah Karaoğlu, Foreign Citizens Council, President, Alanya
• Dr. Harry Tzimitras, İstanbul Bilgi University, International Relations Department
• Dr. Bianca Kaiser, Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul Kültür University
• Mehmet Terzioğlu, Head of Department, Department for Foreigners Borders Asylum, Ankara

20.00 Dinner at local restaurant for guest speakers

15 February 2008

09.30-12.15 (The Marmara Hotel-Antalya)

Panel III : “Europeans in Turkey and Turks in Europe: Public Opinions and Images”

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, Director, European Institute, Bilgi University,

• Şirvan Ekici, Member of the Vienna Parliament City Council, the Austrian People's Party
• Dr. Nicolas Monceau, Institut d’Etudes Politiques,Universite de Grenoble
• Dr. Antonia Ruiz Jimenez, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville
• Bekir Ağırdır, Director General, KONDA Public Opinion Analysis, Istanbul
• Prof. Dr. Jean Marcou, Senior Researcher İFEA, Universite de Grenoble
• Ahmet Sever, Spokesman and Adviser to the President of the Turkish Republic
• Dr. Bahadır Kaleağası, Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD)- Permanent Representative to the EU
• Dr. Rainer Hülsse, Ludwig Maximilians University Münich, Chair of International Relations at G.School Institute of Political Science
• Oğuz Demiralp, EU Secretary General, EU Secretariat General (ABGS)- Ankara
• Volkan Vural, Ret. Ambassador, Adviser Doğan Group
• Dr. Ingmar Karlsson, Swedish Consul General, Istanbul
• Prof. Dr. Faruk Durbin, Chairman, Initiative of European Turks in Berlin (B.A.T.I.)

12.30-13.30 Lunch (The Marmara Hotel-Antalya)

13.45-14.15 (Shuttle from The Marmara Hotel to Akdeniz University)

14.15 -15.00: Coffee Break

15.00-17.30 (Akdeniz University)

PaneI I V: “Intercultural Dialogue between Citizens in Europe”

This final session will aim at evaluating the outcome of the former debates. The recommendations about the contribution of the Euro Turks and the EU citizens in Turkey to the EU accession process, specially civil society initiatives, will be debated. The recommendations will be jointly published by Bilgi University, Akdeniz University and EU Communication Group Initiative (ABİG) .

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Fulya Sarvan, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya

• Bekir, Ağırdır, Director General, KONDA Public Opinion Analysis
• Julia Alaettinoğlu, Foreign Citizens Council, Spokes Person, Alanya
• Tuğba Aydın, AKVAM, Akdeniz University, Antalya
• Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Antalya MP, Justice and Development Party (AK PARTİ)
• Prof. Dr. Esra Çayhan, Head of International Relations Department, Akdeniz University
• Oğuz Demiralp, EU Secretary General, EU Secretariat General (ABGS), Ankara
• Şirvan Ekici, Member of the Vienna Parliament City Council, the Austrian People's Party
• Dr. Erol Esen, Director, AKVAM, Antalya Akdeniz University, Antalya
• Prof. Dr. Faruk Durbin, Chairman, Initiative of European Turks in Berlin (B.A.T.I.)
• Dr. Rainer Hülsse, Ludwig Maximilians University Münich, Chair of International Relations at G.School Institute of Political Science
• Dr. Antonia Ruiz Jimenez, Pablo de Olaride University, Seville
• Dr. Bianca Kaiser, Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul Kültür University, International Relations Department
• Dr. Bahadır Kaleağası, Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD), Permanent Representative to the EU
• Abdullah Karaoğlu, Foreign Citizens Council, Director, Alanya
• Dr. Ingmar Karlsson, Swedish Consul General, Istanbul
• Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, European Institute, Bilgi University, Director
• Dr. Peter Kolb, German Consul General, Izmir
• Reverand Rainer Korten, Antalya
• Prof. Dr. Jean Marcou, Senior Researcher IFEA, Universite de Grenoble
• Dr. Nicolas Monceau, Institut d’Etudes Politiques,Universite de Grenoble
• Gülseren Onanç, Turkish Women Entrepreneurs Association (KAGİDER) President, Istanbul
• Dr. Kemal Ramoğlu, Ministry of Labour, Ankara
• Günter Seufert, Berliner Zeitung, Istanbul Representative, Writer
• Ahmet Sever, Spokesman and Adviser to the President of the Turkish Republic
• Ad. Hasan Sipahioğlu, Mayor of Alanya
• Prof. Dr. Burhan Şenatalar, Bilgi University, Economy Department
• Mehmet Terzioğlu, Head of Department, Department for Foreigners Borders Asylum, Ankara
• Dr. Harry Tzimitras, Bilgi University, International Relations Department
• Volkan Vural, Ret. Ambassador, Adviser Doğan Group

17.30 Final reception hosted Prof. Dr. Fulya Sarvan, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya

18.30 End of the Programme