Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project “European Values at School” Final Event

The final Conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project “European Values at School” was held at İstanbul Şişli Municipalities Nazim Hikmet Cultural Centre. The event brought together the principal stakeholders of the (academics from Bilgi University, researchers, teachers, students, parents, trainers, experts and representatives of the İstanbul Directorate General National Education as well as the Mayor and the public officials of the Şişli Municipality).

The final conference provided a platform for academics and experts working on EU to meet teachers and Primary, Secondary and Vocational School students where discussions on the teachings of “EU Boat” Seminars which reached over 3600 students from schools located in İstanbul’s Beyoğlu and Şişli Municipalities in three years(2013-2016).

After the presentations of the results and the deliverables of the “European Values at School” Project Dr. Hayri İnonu, Mayor of Şişli Municipality and Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, Coordinator of  Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project “European Values at School” at Bilgi University’s European Institute presented the certificates to the students who attended the “EU Boat” Seminars and also congratulated the 15 students who won the Şişli Municipalities “EU Values” competition and who have won a trip to Brussels and visits to EU İnstitutions.