The Award Winners of the Student Paper Competition: “Gender Equality in the Labour Market in Europe and Turkey" 

We are pleased to announce the award winners of the student paper competition entitled “Gender Equality in the Labour Market in Europe and Turkey" organized by the European Institute. The jury of the competition favourably evaluated two papers among many papers submitted.

We thank all our Students for their interest in the Essay Competition and congratulate Nihan Duran and Verena Niepel who have been awarded prizes. 

The European Institute Team wishes success to all our Students in their future Academic Studies. 



Nihan Duran

“Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets in Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges”


Verena Niepel

“Women in leadership positions in Germany and Turkey – A Comparison”



Prof. Dr. Yeşim Atamer, Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Kübra Doğan Yenisey, Faculty of Law

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Itır Erhart, Faculty of Communication

Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences


Further information about the Competition =>