Oct. 31, 2018, 10:57 a.m.
The Bologna process is to create a common Higher Education Area in Europe. It is based on unity in diversity against monopoly in Higher Education.
In short, we can say that the Bologna Process is a whole set of reforms in the European Higher Education Area which aim to improve quality in education and training. After discussing by the Ministers of Education of France, Italy, Germany and the UK, the process was officially announced when the agreement was signed by 29 European countries' Ministers of Higher Education in Sorbonne in 1998.
For further information: What is the Bologna Process? - The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Department of International Relations
Reading suggestion: Identity construction programmes of non-state, professional and collective actors: Case study phase II / Turkish Case
Ayhan Kaya and Ayşe Tecmen, Istanbul Bilgi University (2011 )
Animation: Jean Monnet Enhancing Learning EU at School: A follow up Project for Digital European Union: The Educational Policy of European Union
For watching the animation click on the image: